Author Archive

Our New updated calendar for 2025

Our New updated calendar for 2025

By Karen | Headline

Happy New Year!!!


By Karen | Uncategorized

Welcome to the Music Clinic.  Thanks so much for visiting our website. Please check our pages for information on who teaches here, what classes are available, and the cost of tuition.  You can also visit us on Facebook. We are really looking forward to making some great music with you! &nbsp

Visiting our website for the first time?

By Karen | Events

There are 5 pages on this site.  Access each by clicking on the main bar at the top of this page: 1. Home (this page), 2. Student Info, 3. Recital Hall, 4. Our Teachers, and 5. Programs, Events, Prices (Go to this page for all information about prices and lessons)

Are you ready to learn to play?

By Karen | Events

Now is the perfect time to learn to play an instrument or to just brush up on a few techniques if you already know how to play.  Please give us a call at 603-528-6672, and we’ll set you right up with private lessons designed just for you!  Or send a message to Music Clinic on [&hellip

Recommendations from satisfied students

By Karen | Events

The Music Clinic, and its faculty have received rave reviews over the years.  To read these check us out on Google Maps (in 14 reviews we scored 28 out of 30 – meaning extraordinary to perfection), Insider Pages (in 6 reviews we scored 27 out of 30 stars), and on Facebook (2 reviews so far – both [&hellip

Hours of operation

By Karen | Events

The schedule varies some from day to day based on our students’ needs, but this is as close as we can make it on a weekly basis. Mondays, 1:00-8:30 PM; Tuesdays, 1:00-7:00 PM;  New Horizons Band Rehearsal, 7:00-9:00 PM Wednesdays, 1:00-9:00 PM; Thursdays, 1:00-8:30 PM; Fridays, 9:00 AM-12:30 PM (online only) and 2:30-7:30 PM; Saturdays, [&hellip

Live Lessons via Zoom, SKYPE, Messenger, or Google Meet

Live Lessons via Zoom, SKYPE, Messenger, or Google Meet

By Karen | Events

We do now offer live  lessons via Zoom, SKYPE, Messenger, or Google Meet . If you live outside of the Lakes Region of NH, if you find the commute impossible, or if your schedule will not allow you to come to the Music Clinic during our regularly scheduled hours, then this may be the option [&hellip

Welcome to the Music Clinic

Welcome to the Music Clinic

By Karen | Headline

As THE Lakes Region’s School of Music, the  Music Clinic has been serving the heart of New Hampshire by offering music instruction since 1993. To date we have taught more than 3000 students!   We offer instruction to career-minded students as well as those who desire simply to enjoy music as a part of their everyday lives. The [&hellip


By Karen | Events

How much should I practice? This is a guaranteed question from every first-time student. The actual amount of time will vary with the age of the student, but there’s one thing for certain. If you DO practice a lot, I cannot guarantee you’ll play really well. But if you DON’T practice a lot, I can guarantee you [&hellip